Transitioning SA's Petrochemical Value Chain

Inclusivity and a Just Transition

Much has been written and said about the imperative of the decarbonisation transition to be just. South Africa has societal objectives that speak to a reduction in inequality, poverty and unemployment, all while the country does its fair share to decarbonize. To align with this national agenda, Secunda and Sasolburg need to be transitioned in a way that improves equality, prosperity and employment. The energy transition must include those who are economically marginalised (Source: Labour Engagement).

The Civil Society Engagement advocated a need to interrogate transition developments and new investments from the perspective of who would benefit from them. To what extent do these move us towards a future economy that serves the majority of people? The example was given of transport: currently, the primary mode of transport is on foot (Source: Civil society engagement). How do Electric Vehicles (EVs) assist in providing mobility services to pedestrians?

Additional questions around just transition were raised in the engagements: how can a transition retain value but increase distribution of wealth across society? Government for one is skeptical about using social support instruments to facilitate a just transition (Source: Government Engagement).

A key part of the just transition involves anticipating and generating skills and training to enable inclusive participation in the energy transition. The civil society engagement asked where the integrated energy skills plan is: skills and training are critical to make the transition smooth (Source: Government Engagement).